Privacy is a new religion. We set the highest value on privacy. But even children know – if there is something valuable for some, there will undoubtedly be those who want to get it valuable without the permission of the rightful owner.
Do we really need a shield of cryptodefence?
Aforetime values were purely material – like golden accessories, Amati violins, Flemish painting, and Qin era porcelain – but nowadays, values are more abstract, although their essence has not been changed. Diamonds and pearls were hidden in strongboxes and caches, and we keep modern treasures on hard drives of computers or servers, on flash drives and smartphone SD cards.
Entrusted the most intimate things to gadgets and computers, we’ve made ourselves vulnerable. All that is stored on the hard drives, in the memory of applications and browsers, is the Achilles heel of the modern human civilization. Information about family, career, tangible assets, political views, financial data, planned transactions, the second set of books, access to banking accounts, keys to e-wallets, corporate secrets, proprietary information and trade secrets – all of them are the new targets of cyber-era robbers.
It is quite easy to open a safe box by a lock-pick or autogenous cutting – extracting information from a disk is just as easy. To provide more safety you can hide a strongbox in the wall or a bunker at a depth of 200 meters, or you can enclose it with barbed wire and set the going flow of electricity through it. Data encryption is much more efficient (and more humane!) – hardware and software cryptographic tools can give your digital values real protection.